Saturday, 3 March 2012

What Happened??? M.I.A Blog Posts!!!

OMG where has the last 5 blog posts gone????
That's right I had to go back to work. My beautiful semi balanced life of mum, wife, me, newbie blogger, chef, gym bunny, woman who has time to be crafty, researcher of Miss L friendly food etc etc etc is M.I.A. Within one week of being back at work - I'm back to my old ways!!!
I feel like work is my addiction and I'm having a relaps.
I know I really LOVE my job and I feel half guility that I love it so much but the other half of me doesn't feel guility at all. Some people never find a job they love - I am one of the lucky few.
Now I'm not making any excuses for my job or for the passion I have for it but ohhhhh I love doing teacher things - See total addiction!!!!!!!
Like an addiction I know I need to change but how do I go about that?????
After a LOT of though and chats with friends and colleagues I have come up with a plan!!!!
I started this challenge because I wanted to find BALANCE in my life and by the end of year I'm going to get it!!!!!!!!!!!
So the new plan is this!!!!
1. Complete the challenges I have missed.
2. To catch up I will need to do 2 challenges a week for about 6 weeks!!!!
3. Use my friends to remind me about my challenges and to check up on my posts - Carlotta and Mrs P this is your job!!!!
4. I use a timetable to rule my school day, I can do the same at home. I am going to "timetable" blogging time - Mr Football is going to crack up at this one.
5. Order my special daily reminder of my goal - BALANCE. I will reveal this later when I get it - it is AWESOME!!!!!
 and number 6
  6. Look for rainbows - its my motto for the year!!!!!! There is something good in every situation, you just need to be a positive person to find it :)

So until next time


  1. I was thinking about you this week and wondering how you were doing. Good to see you pop up in my google reader! Don't stress. week 5 was a break week and in 3 more weeks there will be another catch up week.

    Deb @ home life simplfiied

  2. I missed you! The first couple of posts you wrote really stood out to me so I definitely noticed when you didn't have time to blog. I hope you manage to catch up be even if you don't, at least you found time to come back :) I love your motto and that flower picture is amazing! I love rainbows, such positive, calm, precious things :) Welcome back!

  3. Thank you Ladies - I truly appreciate the love!!!! You will both be seeing my posts popping up on a more regular basis!!!!!
